New Delhi: The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Dr Harsh Vardhan on Wednesday while reviewing the pandemic situation of seven states including Maharastra, Uttarakhand, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya and Goa said that higher positivity of Covid-19 cases is indicative of hidden transmission of the disease.
"Active cases are on the rise in recent days in Manipur. Higher positivity in the state is indicative of hidden transmission," said Vardhan and admitted that states like Maharastra, Manipur, Aizawal and Mizoram have been witnessing high active cases.
The statement made by the health minister could be an alert as far as India's Covid-19 fight is concerned especially at a time when the country has been witnessing a spike of cases due to winter, festive season and pollution.
Vardhan added that although the active cases have come down in Maharastra, it continues to have a large active caseload, with a fatality rate (2.6 per cent) which increase to 3.5 per cent in and around Mumbai.
He said that the case fatality rate is higher in Uttarakhand than the national average of 1. 64 per cent.
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Adding that 40 per cent of total deaths were recorded in just one month in Goa which is a cause of worry, he said, "With 70 per cent of cases concentrated in Aizawal, Mizoram is seeing a further rise in active cases. Tripura and Meghalaya are witnessing higher deaths (37 per cent) in the age groups of 45-60 years which are preventable."
The Minister informed that as on date, there were only 4.09 per cent active cases on oxygen support, 2.73 per cent of active cases in ICU and a minimum of 0.45 per cent active cases are on ventilators support.
He cautioned on the need for more vigilance in the coming winter and long festive season which could threaten the gains made against Covid-19.