New Delhi: The Delhi High Court Thursday dismissed a petition seeking to declare as illegal the Delhi government's move of organising Ganesh Chaturthi from the state treasury and releasing advertisements. The Court said that the PIL had been filed without proper homework and granted liberty to the petitioner to file it with proper averments.
A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice Jyoti Singh allowed the petitioner to withdraw the petition and granted him liberty to file a fresh plea with proper averments in accordance with the law before an appropriate forum.
The court said the petitioner has not placed on record the advertisement based on which the petition has been filed.
Petitioner-advocate Manohal Lal Sharma said he got to know through media that the Delhi Government has been inviting people to join Ganesh Puja, on September 10, organised by the state.
Read: Delhi HC issues notice to Centre on plea related to NEET-SS 2021