New Delhi:Delhi High Court on Monday adjourned to July 29 the hearing on a contempt plea against Delhi government over purported videos showing bodies in the COVID-19 ward of the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) Hospital. A division bench of Justice DN Patel and Justice Parteek Jalan adjourned the matter in view of the fact that a similar matter is pending before the Supreme Court for July 20.
The court also adjourned two other similar matters for the same date (July 29), including a public interest litigation (PIL) for the cremation of COVID-19 victims in "green crematoriums". The contempt petition was moved by advocate Awadh Kaushik against Delhi government, its Chief Secretary, Health Secretary, and the Medical Director of LNJP Hospital over news videos showing bodies in the COVID-19 ward of the hospital.
It alleged that dead bodies are lying in the same wards and corridors of the LNJP Hospital in Delhi, where COVID-19 patients are admitted. Additional solicitor general Sanjay Jain, appearing for Delhi government said, this is very unfortunate that the petition wants contempt against us despite the fact that more than 80,000 cases are there including doctors and other health staff.
The contempt plea said that these officials have breached their own undertaking regarding bodies of COVID-19 patients since they have repeatedly assured the court that no bodies are lying in the ward and corridors of the hospital. However, the videos shown by the media are horrible, it said.