New Delhi:The Centre told the Supreme Court on Friday it has set up an online portal for providing information on mental health facilities available in the country and 31 states and union territories (UTs) have so far provided requisite details for this purpose. A bench headed by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud and also comprising Justice Dipankar Datta, however, took note of the submission that states like Jharkhand, Bihar and the union territory of Lakshadweep have not provided the details to be uploaded on the portal, and directed them to do so in two weeks.
We direct the states and UTs to furnish the relevant information, the bench said and posted the PIL filed by lawyer Gaurav Kumar Bansal for further hearing after three weeks. At the start of the hearing, Additional Solicitor General Madhavi Divan, appearing for the Centre, said she would like to do a live presentation in the court showing where the centres are located across India.
The CJI asked the law officer to show the operation of the portal on screen in court next time. Earlier, the Central government had told the bench on November 22 last year that it was in the process of setting up the portal. Bansal has sought in his PIL the rehabilitation and COVID-19 vaccination of mentally ill people currently lodged in various hospitals and mental healthcare institutions across the country.