New Delhi :A Delhi court has sent three arrested Tihar Jail officials to judicial custody till August 17, in a case pertaining to the alleged murder of gangster Ankit Gujjar inside the jail last year. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Anjani Mahajan, in the order passed on Wednesday, noted the gravity of the offences as the court heard the application of the Investigating Officer seeking an extension of remand of the accused -- former Deputy Superintendent Narender Meena, suspended Assistant Superintendent Dinesh Dabas, and suspended Head Warder Deepak Chikara, who were arrested by the Central Bureau of Intelligence (CBI).
The IO also said that further investigation is going on in relation to Dabas and Chhikara, who were arrested few days ago, and supplementary report shall be filed expeditiously. Meena was arrested two months before by the probe agency. The court was also told that adequate measures have been taken up considering the apprehensions of jail officials, who alleged security threats from inmates.