New Delhi: A case was registered by the Delhi police against unknown persons under relevant sections of the IPC (Indian Penal Code) on Saturday after 23 students from Nigam Pratibha Vidyalaya, located in Delhi's Inderpuri area, were hospitalized on Friday following vomiting, said the police. The 23 children who were admitted to the hospital are fine now, said the police quoting the hospital doctors.
Case registered after 23 children fall ill at Delhi school, hospitalized
About 23 students of Nigam Pratibha Vidyalaya, located in Delhi's Inderpuri area, were hospitalized following vomiting complaints, said the police. A foul smell that filled the campus caused the children to fall sick, sources said.
According to the police, a PCR (police control room) call was received regarding the incident. After the police reached the spot, it was found that some students were not well. They were shifted to the hospital immediately. As per the initial assessment, some foul smell suddenly filled some of the classrooms, which made children feel sick.
Apparently, the children had food just a few minutes earlier. Medical help was given to them after their failing health conditions were noticed. The smell has subsided in the school premises but yet as a precautionary measure, all the classrooms have been vacated and the children are shifted to safer places. A regular watch is being kept over the situation. Further examination of the premises is being done in an effort to find out the source of the smell. Further details are awaited. (ANI)