New Delhi: The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has arrested a Nagpur man in connection with its money laundering investigation linked to a case of smuggling of foreign betel nuts through the India-Myanmar border by evading customs duty, officials said on Friday.
According to the ED, Wasim Bawla was arrested on June 22, under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 in connection with an ongoing investigation into the smuggling of foreign-origin betel nuts via Indo Myanmar Border by shell entities based in the North-East without payment of customs duty, thereby, causing loss to the Government.
ED initiated a money laundering investigation on the basis of an FIR registered by CBI, ACB, Nagpur. During the preliminary investigation, it is found that DRI had conducted an investigation against various traders in Nagpur who were procuring foreign-origin betel nuts. ED conducted searches at the premises of various persons and during the searches, various incriminating documents and electronic devices were also seized.