New Delhi:National spokesperson of the Bharatiya Kisan Union, Rakesh Singh Tikait on Wednesday said that the farmers' movement will continue as the demand on Minimum Support Price (MSP) is yet to be fulfilled. He said, "it is true that the government has listened to us, but the movement will continue. The demand for MSP has not been fulfilled yet. While some other demands are also pending."
His statement landed hours after Union Minister Anurag Thakur addressed the media in New Delhi and informed that Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has completed all legal formalities to repeal the three farm Laws.
Tikait says Centre listens to them, vows to continue protests for more Tikait further added, "the movement will not end now. We have a meeting on November 27, after which we will decide on the future plan. Modi Ji said that farmers' income will be doubled from January 1, so we will ask how will it be doubled? Farmers will win when they get the price for their crops,"
Tikait assured farmers of Sadarpur village in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad for all possible help. He added that as a farmers' leader he will put all the issues of farmers' before the government. He is also scheduled to visit Hyderabad tomorrow where he will meet workers and labourers to understand their problems.
Read:Centre completes formalities to repeal farm laws