New Delhi:As the countdown for the Lok Sabha elections due next year began with the start of 2023, the BJP has stepped up its preparations to reach out to all sections of society. The party's OBC Morcha has decided to launch the 'Gaon-Gaon Chalo, Ghar-Ghar Chalo' program in March-April.
According to the sources, the OBC Morcha, an important part of the BJP, has started putting in efforts to reach out to the voters of the nine states that will go to Assembly elections this year. The Assembly elections are scheduled this year in Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Mizoram and Telangana.
"With the support of the OBC community, the BJP wants to form the government in the states because there is 40 to 50 per cent participation of the OBC community in all the states and the Centre," a source said. "The OBC Morcha will start the 'Gaon-Gaon Chalo Ghar Ghar Chalo' programme in the middle of March-April keeping in view the elections. Through this programme, OBC people be informed about the work done by the government for them which include decisions like 27 per cent reservation being given in NEET, and reservation being given in central education schemes," the source added.