New Delhi: The Delhi High Court is scheduled to pass on Monday an order on the bail plea of AAP leader Manish Sisodia, arrested for his alleged role in the money laundering case relating to alleged irregularities in the city government's excise policy. As per a cause list uploaded on the court's website this morning, Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma will pronounce the order on Sisodia's bail plea at 2:30 PM.
Besides Sisodia, the high court will also pass orders on the bail pleas of businessmen Abhishek Boinpally, Benoy Babu and Vijay Nair, who are co-accused in the money laundering case lodged by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arising from the alleged scam. Sisodia, former Delhi deputy chief minister and excise minister, was first arrested by the CBI on February 26 for his alleged role in the scam and has been in custody since then. The high court has already denied him bail in the CBI case on May 30.
He was arrested on March 9 in the case lodged by the ED and is currently in judicial custody. The high court had on June 2 reserved its order on the bail plea of Sisodia, who has sought bail on various grounds, including the deteriorating health of his wife who is suffering from multiple sclerosis.