New Delhi: A day after the Narendra Modi-led NDA government patted itself on the completion of first year of its rule in the second term, Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Sunday took a jibe at Modi, saying that even the "Bahubali Prime Minister could not face the coronavirus pandemic and pushed the country into more distress".
The senior Congress leader lashed out at the Centre for what he called "mishandling of a pandemic that forced people into a crisis".
"During the lockdown crisis, people helped each other. After March 24, the government had to subside its divisive agenda; prior to the lockdown, the government agenda was only on polarisation," he said.
Sibal cited National Population Register, Citizenship (Amendment) Act and misuse of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act against activists and said while the Union Home Minister stated in Parliament that the amended UAPA will be used against terrorists only but just the opposite was happening.
Sibal said that people walking on the roads to their native states are a testimony of the government's 'apathy' as many people have lost their lives due to starvation.