New Delhi : The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday began searches at the premises of AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan in Delhi in connection with the investigation into a money-laundering case filed against Khan and some others. The searches by the central agency started amid political stand-off between the ruling Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi and also the ruling BJP at the Centre.
Amanathulla Khan, the 49-year-old legislator of AAP, is representing the Okhla assembly constituency in South Delhi. The agency's searches targetted Khan in connection with the Waqf Board case. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has initiated action against Khan under the provisions of the PMLA (Prevention of Money Laundering Act).
ED raids on AAP MLA Amanatullah Khan: money-laundering probe The Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Central Bureau of Investigation had filed FIRs (first information reports) against Amanathulla Khan for alleged corruption relating to purported illegal appointments in the Delhi Waqf Board. The AAP MLA happens to be the Delhi Waqf Board chairman. Eight months ago, a CBI special court had granted bail to Amanathulla Khan in the Waqf Board appointments case. In September last year, Amanathulla Khan was arrested by the Delhi anti-corruption bureau. He was also questioned in the corruption case. The AAP MLA had called the case and the allegations of corruption baseless.
Also Read : AAP ready to contest Rajasthan, MP, Chhattisgarh polls; candidates to be announced soon: Kejriwal