New Delhi/Noida:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has lodged an FIR against five persons including three IAS officers of Chhattisgarh and two from a Noida-based company at Kasna police station in connection with an alleged scam of the state excise department.
The accused bureaucrats are special secretary excise Arun Patil Tripathi, excise commissioner Niranjan Das and retired IAS Anil Tuteja. The FIR has also named the company's managing director Vidhu Gupta and Anwar Dhebar.
The ED probe has revealed that a Noida-based company named Prism Holography Security Films Pvt Ltd was illegally awarded tender for supplying holograms to the excise department of Chhattisgarh. The company was not eligible to participate in the tender process but, the three senior officials of Chhattisgarh excise department in connivance with the owners of the company, modified the terms of the tender. Then, the tender was awarded to the company in an illegal manner. In return, he officials took a commission of 8 paisa per hologram.