New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday presented the first copy of his book 'Why Bharat Matters' to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In a post on X, EAM Jaishankar shared about his meeting with PM Modi saying, "Honoured to present the first copy of my book 'Why Bharat Matters' to PM @narendramodi this evening."
Additionally, EAM also shared text from his new book which read, "India's quest to ascend the global hierarchy is an endless journey. But as we take stock of the progress made and anticipate the challenges ahead, it is certainly reassuring that this is propelled by such deep national commitment and confidence. Whether it is drawing strength from its heritage and culture or approaching challenges with the optimism of democracy and technology, this is certainly a New India. Indeed, an India that is able to define its own interests, articulate its own positions, find its own solutions and advance its own model. In short, this is an India that is more Bharat."
Earlier, EAM Jaishankar said that the English edition of his new book 'Why Bharat Matters' would be out in early 2024. The EAM said, "The English edition of my new book 'Why Bharat Matters' would be out in early 2024. Do read."
He wrote on X, "2023 has been exceptionally eventful for Indian diplomacy. Appreciating its challenges and outcomes means understanding the transformation underway, in the world as much as in India itself. Have set out some thoughts in that regard, through the perspective of the Ramayana. And contributing to the conversation on foreign policy."
The meeting with PM Modi comes after EAM completed his visit to Russia from December 25 to 29 as a part of the ongoing high-level exchanges between the two sides. In a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, Jaishankar underscored the significant progress in India-Russia bilateral trade, surpassing USD 50 billion. Jaishankar emphasised the potential for further growth and the need to give the trade relationship a more sustainable character.
Addressing key aspects of collaboration, the EAM discussed the nuclear sector, highlighting the signing of crucial agreements related to the Kudankulam project. He revealed the finalisation of a substantial agreement on nuclear fuel supply, indicating advancements in India-Russia cooperation in the nuclear domain. "The second aspect pertains to the nuclear side and we signed agreements yesterday that would take the Kudakulam project forward. And also, we have finalised a very significant agreement on nuclear fuel supply," he added.