New Delhi: The minor female wrestler, who had filed a sexual harassment complaint against Wrestling Federation of India president and BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, has withdrawn her complaint, according to claims made on social media. It is said that the minor has withdrawn her complaint through a petition filed in the Patiala House Court. However, the Delhi Police, who have registered the complaint, are yet to respond to this.
Meanwhile, the investigation by the police found that the girl making the complaint was not a minor but an adult, sources said. After this there was an apprehension that legal action could be taken against her, so she has withdrawn her complaint now. However, before withdrawing the complaint, her statement has been recorded before the magistrate.
It may be recalled that on the complaint of this minor female wrestler, an FIR was registered against Brijbhushan Sharan Singh under the POCSO (Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences) Act. Also, a separate FIR of sexual harassment was registered against Brij Bhushan on the complaint of other six female wrestlers.