New Delhi:In a "significant" move, aviation watchdog DGCA on Thursday said regulations for watch duty time limitations and rest requirements for air traffic controllers have been implemented at 57 airports, including Amritsar, Coimbatore, Patna and Imphal. The implementation of the norms will ensure that air traffic controllers will get adequate rest while carrying out their duties and reduce fatigue among them.
The regulations regarding 'Watch Duty Time Limitation (WDTL) and rest requirements for Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs)' are being implemented at the 57 airports from Thursday, DGCA said in a release. An operational duty time for an ATCO should not exceed 2 hours, without a break of at least 30 minutes. The break can be taken during the duty period or at the end of that period, as per the regulations.
"The breaks for operational duty on circumstances beyond two hours... shall be taken on pro-rata basis (eg. 45 minutes after 3 hours or 60 minutes after 4 hours)," the Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR). According to the regulations, breaks shall include all measures necessary to ensure that ATCOs will not be suffering fatigue. "A total relief from exercising the privileges of ATCO's license, including coordination with other ATS (Air Traffic Service) units, supervisory roles shall be considered as a break," it added.
The CAR also specifies a limit on duty period and the interval between duty period and night duty. According to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), the norms are modelled on ICAO regulations and based on the country's national, social and cultural contexts, coupled with scientifically valid, optimal duty time limit for ATCOs. ICAO is the International Civil Aviation Organisation.