New Delhi/Greater Noida: The police on Sunday arrested a delivery boy accused of attempting to rape a woman in Greater Noida. The accused was arrested after an encounter with the police and suffered a leg injury. According to the police, the delivery boy, identified as Sumit, had gone to deliver groceries, which the woman, had ordered from a mobile app on Friday. After reaching the destination, the accused found that the woman was alone in the flat. The accused then barged into the house and tried to rape her. He then fled from the spot.
The victim then lodged a complaint at the police station against the accused. Based on the complaint, the police registered a case under several Sections and formed teams to arrest the accused. Central Noida Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP) Hardesh Katheria said that they received information that the accused was in Khairpur. The police reached Khairpur and arrested the accused.