New Delhi:The cremation of the remaining human tissue and feet of the nine-year-old who was allegedly raped and murdered in southwest Delhi's Old Nangal area, was conducted on Wednesday by her parents, police said. The police said that the girl's parents received the remains from Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital and performed the cremation at Old Nangal Crematorium in presence of the 15 to 20 people known to them.
"Cremation of the remaining human tissue and feet of the minor girl victim of old Nangal Delhi Cantt case was conducted by her parents today," Deputy Commissioner of Police of South West Delhi Ingit Pratap Singh said.
"During the cremation, around 25 to 30 people from the nearby established tent, where protest is going on, tried to intrude the crematorium but the parents did not give consent for it and hence local police asked them to leave," Singh said. On August 1, a nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped and killed by a priest and three employees of a crematorium near the Delhi Cantonment area in southwest Delhi.