New Delhi: The body of a 25-year-old woman was recovered from a freezer in New Delhi's Najafgarh area on Tuesday, the police said. The deceased was a resident of Uttam Nagar in Delhi, they said. The victim was killed around two to three days ago and her body was kept inside a freezer at a dhaba in Mitraon Village of Delhi's Najafgarh, the police said.
"The dhaba owner, identified as Sahil Gahlot, has been apprehended on suspicion," the police said. "The body has been sent for post-mortem," they said. Additional DCP (Dwarka) Vikram Singh said that Sahil Gahlot, a resident of Mitraon village, and the victim were in a relationship. Speaking to the media, Vikram Singh said, "The primary investigation into the case suggests that the accused was going to get married to another woman. And the victim after coming to know about it objected and insisted him marry her." Enraged by this, the accused killed her and hid the body inside a freezer and kept it at his dhaba. "The incident took place around two to three days ago," he said.