New Delhi: A Delhi Court on Friday dismissed the bail plea of a man accused of killing an auto driver during a violence that broke out in north-east Delhi in February.
Additional Sessions Judge Vinod Yadav dismissed the bail plea of Shabuddin. "The present case is a case of murder of an innocent person by the unruly mob. Apparently, there is clear evidence of independent eye witness namely PW (prosecution witness) Deepak. I am conscious of the fact that statement of PW Deepak was recorded only on April 24, the explanation whereof has been given by the Investigating Officer that because of COVID-19 situation, it was very difficult to trace the witness," the judge reckoned.
"I agree with the learned Special Public Prosecutor for the State that if the applicant is released on bail in this matter, then the possibility of his threatening the independent eye witness cannot be ruled out," he added.
He ruled, "Considering the seriousness of the case and the wide-ranging impact of the riots on the public and private persons as well as damage to the property, I do not deem it appropriate to admit the applicant on bail in this matter. The bail application accordingly stands dismissed in this case."