New Delhi: The Delhi government's vigilance directorate has written to the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL), recommending action against three former and a sitting DERC official in connection with the appointment of Ashok Kumar Singhal as the principal advisor (tariff) to the power regulator.
There was no immediate reaction from the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) on the issue. Singhal termed the whole matter "pointless". "There is no issue in it. My appointment was done in a proper manner," he told PTI. The directorate, in a communication dated June 27, said the matter of appointment of DERC member Singhal as the principal advisor (tariff) was examined by it.
"It emerges that the DERC has not examined the issue legally and has been totally biased in selecting Ashok Kumar Singhal as the principal advisor (tariff) after he demitted the office of member DERC," it said. The directorate further said the DERC has "violated" section 89(5) of the Electricity Act, 2003, as Singhal was appointed as the principal advisor (tariff) after demitting office as member, DERC.