New Delhi: A major accident happened during the idol immersion after Ganesh Chaturthi in the Sonia Vihar police station area of North East Delhi. During the immersion in the Yamuna river, four children were drowned. The locals managed to save one, while the search for the remaining three boys is currently on.
The team of NDRF is continuously searching for the three missing boys. The accident happened due to the rise in the water level of Yamuna. It is being reported that all four boys were taking selfies and videos at the time of accident.
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This incident occurred last evening at 6 pm. During the Ganesh idol immersion, all the four boys moved towards the deep water and took selfies and videos. Suddenly, all of them drowned in the river. The locals present managed to saved one boy but, three others are still missing. The incident was later reported to the police.
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The four boys are residents in A block Shukra Bazar street of Ankur Enclave under police station Karawal Nagar. The names of the missing children are Aryan, Vivek, and Vijay. The rescue team is continuously searching for the youths. Due to the high water level in the Yamuna river, the rescue team is yet to trace the drowned children. The police are currently investigating the entire matter.
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