New Delhi: A Delhi Court on Monday once again deferred the pronouncement of order on bail plea of Umar Khalid till March 23. Former Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student leader Umar Khalid is an accused in the northeast Delhi violence conspiracy case. He was arrested on September 13 in the year 2020 under Sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).
Earlier, the Karkardooma court had reserved the order on March 3. The order was to be pronounced on March 14. It was deferred for non-filing of written arguments by the lawyer of Umar Khalid. Additional sessions judge Amitabh Rawat deferred the matter till March 23 following the submission of additional notes by the Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) Amit Prasad. SPP Amit Prasad had rebutted that in the case of conspiracy, we have to see the wholesome conduct of the accused.
There are multiple chats and other evidence. He submitted that there is adequate material on record against the accused. He had submitted on the specific question asked by the court on Umar Khalid's speech at Amaravati that the permission for this program was rejected on February 11, 2020, by the Maharashtra police. Again on 12 February, another application was filed by an office-bearer of the Welfare Party of India mentioning six dignitaries except Umar Khalid.
Also read:Verdict reserved on bail plea of Delhi violence accused Umar Khalid