New Delhi: Delhi Police issued over three lakh challans between April 19 and November 1 this year for violation of various COVID-19 norms maximum for not wearing face mask, officials said on Tuesday.
Of the total 3,14,556 challans, 2,78,121 were issued for not wearing mask, followed by 30,364 to those not adhering to social distancing norms, and 2,923 for consumption of liquor, pan, gutkha, tobacco etc, according to the latest data shared by Delhi Police.
Another 1,684 challans were issued for spitting and 1,464 for holding large public gatherings and congregation. On Monday, police issued a total of 279 challans. Out of them, 266 were issued for not wearing mask and 13 for consumption of liquor, pan, gutkha, tobacco etc., police said.