New Delhi:The Delhi Police on Wednesday filed a reply in a city court on the fresh bail application of Umar Khalid opposing it. Additional Sessions Judge Amitabh Rawat adjourned the matter for further hearing on September 23.
On September 6, Umar Khalid's counsel has moved a fresh bail plea under Section 437 under the Code Of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) after withdrawing the bail plea which was filed under Section 439 of CrPC. Khalid's counsel has withdrawn the plea when Special Public Prosecutor Amit Prasad, appearing for Delhi Police, had raised objection on the maintainability of the plea filed under Section 439 CrPC in the last hearing.
Earlier also, accused Ishrat Jahan and Khalid Saifi also withdrew their bail pleas under Section 439 of CrPC and later filed them under Section 437 the CrPC. Student activist Umar Khalid's lawyer had earlier called the charge sheet filed by Delhi Police under the charges of UAPA in a larger conspiracy case as a script of Amazon Prime show 'Family Man', having no evidence to support the allegations.
Khalid's lawyer Trideep Pais told Additional Session Judge Amitabh Rawat, that the charge sheet makes rhetorical allegations against Khalid without any fact, and makes his client a "veteran of sedition".