New Delhi: The Delhi Police Crime Branch have held an accused associated with a gang spying allegedly for Pakistan's 'Inter-Services Intelligence'. The accused has been identified as Mohsin who works at a junkyard as a scrap dealer along with his brother. According to the police, the accused allegedly used to send money to a jawan named Paramjit, who was held in June for having shared classified info to the ISI.
Police produced the accused before the court and has taken him on remand. In the preliminary inquiry, the accused revealed the name an employee working with the Pakistan Embassy, about whom information is being gathered. A few days earlier, the Delhi Police Crime Branch had apprehended another individual for allegedly spying for Pakistan's Intelligence and for carrying out suspicious activities. It was on his behest, that the police arrested Paramjit, an army man from Agra. Many documents were recovered from them and the information about their bank accounts were also tracked down by the Crime Branch.