New Delhi:The Delhi police on Sunday busted a sex racket at a hotel in the capital's Mahipalpur area with the arrest of four including the hotel manager who were involved in the racket, officials said on Monday. The police team from Vasant Kunj police station rescued seven Uzbekistani girls who were forced into flesh trade.
According to police sources, the police had sent a head constable posted at Vasant Kunj police station to the hotel as a decoy pretending to be a customer Sunday evening in order to bust the racket. A team from SHO Vasant Kunj North, at first, received information that a sex racket was being run at Hotel Avon in Mahipalpur, a police officer said. They had come to know that several foreign girls were also involved in the racket, the official added.
The decoy constable met two of the accused at the hotel and were discussing about the probable choices he was looking for. In course of the conversation, the hotel manager informed the constable about the availability of foreign sex workers at the hotel if he agrees to book a room.