New Delhi The Crime Branch of Delhi Police on Saturday claimed to have arrested the mastermind of an interstate sextortion gang from Rajasthan's Bharatpur. According to police, the gang led by Nasir (25) has been indulging in extorting money from reputed persons after blackmailing them with their obscene pictures and videos.
On October 2, police received a complaint from an elderly person regarding extortion calls from different numbers. The callers were introducing themselves as YouTube 'officials'. The callers, the complainant said, were demanding a huge amount of money saying they have received a complaint from a girl that he was exploiting her. They claimed to have the video clippings as well.
The fake officials demanded money from him for not uploading his video. They threatened to implicate him in a rape case and upload his video on various social media platforms if he failed to pay. Concerned over his reputation, the man transferred Rs 4,00,000 to the accounts provided by the extortionist.
Also read:Mumbai police nab five in interstate 'sextortion' racket