New Delhi: The Delhi police on Friday arrested three shooters in the murder of Dera Sacha Sauda follower Pradeep Singh, an accused in a 2015 sacrilege incident, who was shot dead on Thursday morning in Punjab's Faridkot district. An official said that the three shooters were arrested by a special cell of the Delhi Police from Haryana.
Out of them, two are said to be residents of Rohtak and one is from Bhiwani. The Punjab Police Intelligence and Delhi Police's Counter Intelligence have said that a total of six shooters, four from Haryana and two from Punjab have carried out the fatal attack. All the suspects are said to belong to the Lawrence group. The incident took place when Pradeep was going to open his shop in Kotkapura on Thursday.
Also read:Dera follower shot dead in Punjab's Faridkot; incident caught on CCTV
Pradeep Singh died on the spot while his gunman was injured and immediately rushed to a hospital. The entire incident was captured on CCTV in which five to six attackers are seen opening fire on Pradeep Singh alias Raju. Pradeep was one of the accused in a case of theft of a 'bir' (copy) of the Guru Granth Sahib in 2015 in Faridkot.
He was arrested in the case, but was currently out on bail. The sacrilege incidents in Faridkot in 2015 triggered protests in the entire district. In those violent incidents, two persons were killed in Behbal Kalan while some people were injured at Kotkapura in Faridkot after police opened fire at protesters in October 2015. Gangster Goldie Brar has taken responsibility for the murder of Singh. Earlier, another Dera follower Mahendrapal Bittu, who was also accused of blasphemy, was also killed inside the Nabha Jail on June 22, 2019.