The accused Sahil captured on CCTV camera New Delhi: The CCTV footage shows that the accused in the Delhi minor girl murder case was frequenting the place near the Shahbad Dairy area in Delhi. Police said that before committing the murder, accused Sahil had visited to meet his girlfriend on several occasions. At present, the police have been probing the case from all angles. In the CCTV footage, the accused was seen wearing a blue T-shirt and talking to a person. Then he left the place.
The local residents said that they were seeing the girl, along with the accused, visiting the locality for the past one month. It appeared that the duo was known and carrying courtship for a long time. People further said that the duo did not belong to this locality. Their houses were situated far away from this area. Despite this, they could be seen sitting in the park late at night.
Also read:Delhi murder case: Victim's family to get Rs 10 lakh compensation
Meanwhile, Swati Maliwal, Chairperson of the Delhi Women's Commission, visited the deceased minor girl's house and spoke to her parents on Tuesday. While speaking to reporters, Maliwal said, "The girl was killed brutally. So many people were present in the area at the time of the crime. But, they remained mute spectators to the incident. No one came forward to rescue the girl. Had anyone raised an alarm, the girl's life could have been saved. The accused should be given exemplary punishment. He should be given capital punishment after conducting a speedy trial in the next six months. Even the family members of the deceased girl were demanding capital punishment for the accused. "
"The situation in Delhi is very alarming. In the national capital, people don't hesitate to commit crimes. The fear of the law has gone. People in Delhi think that they can do anything to a girl child or a woman and the system remain a mute spectator to the incident. So, I was trying to ensure capital punishment for the accused in the coming six months," Maliwal added.