New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 26-year-old woman identified as Kajal suffered grievous injuries after her father-in-law hit her with a brick at Prem Nagar area of Delhi on Tuesday morning. According to official sources, the attack was prompted by Kajal's desire to work and attend a job interview, which was met with opposition from her in-laws. On the victim's complaint, the police have registered a case against the accused and have started an investigation into it.
Talking to the media, Kajal said, "I got married 4 years ago to Parveen Kumar, but my in-laws used to trouble me for dowry. I and my husband started living in a rented house. To provide financial assistance to my husband, I decided to work. I gave two interviews before and was going for the final round of the interview. When I was going, I saw my father-in-law sitting on the road. When I told him where I was going he suddenly attacked me with a brick".