New Delhi: A court here on Tuesday adjourned the hearing on the bail plea of an accused in the Kanjhawala hit and drag case. The bail plea of Ashutosh Bhardwaj, which was scheduled for hearing before Metropolitan Magistrate Sanya Dalal, was adjourned to Thursday as the judge was on leave. Bhardwaj's advocate had moved the plea on Monday, saying the offences were bailable in nature and the accused had cooperated with police after the incident.
Delhi hit and drag case: Court adjourns hearing of accused Ashutosh Bhardwaj's bail plea to Thursday
Ashutosh Bhardwaj's advocate had moved the plea saying that the offenses charged against him were bailable in nature. The accused cooperated with police after the incident, the plea stated.
Additional public prosecutor Atul Srivastava had opposed the plea, saying Bhardwaj had handed over the car involved in the accident to another co-accused, who did not possess a driving licence. Anjali Singh (20) was killed in the early hours of the New Year after her scooter was hit by a car which dragged her for 12 km from Sultanpuri to Kanjhawala.
The Delhi Police has so far arrested Deepak Khanna (26), Amit Khanna (25), Krishan (27), Mithun (26), and Manoj Mittal in connection with the incident. Later, two more people -- Ashutosh and Ankush Khanna -- were arrested for allegedly shielding the accused. (PTI)