New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Monday reunited a newly-wed couple by directing the police of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh to escort the wife to her matrimonial home from the paternal place in the neighbouring state where she was allegedly kept against her will. A bench of Justice Siddharth Mridul and Anup J Bhambhani passed the direction after she "expressed her clear and unequivocal intention" and desire to return and be with her husband in Delhi.
The wife joined the court hearing through video conference mode from Mirhechi, District Etah, Uttar Pradesh. “Inspector Sita Ram Saroj of Police Station: Mirhechi is directed to depute a lady constable to accompany A*** (wife) along with constable Sanjay from Police Station: Anand Parbat, Delhi, in order to escort her back from Mirhechi to Delhi forthwith; and to then coordinate and reunite A*** with the petitioner,” the court ordered.
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