New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has rejected the demand for a ban on Congress leader Salman Khurshid's new book 'Sunrise Over Ayodhya: Nationhood in our times'. The bench of Justice Yashwant Verma told the petitioner that if you do not agree with the words of the author, then do not read his book.
Advocate Vineet Jindal filed the petition. Advocate Rajkishore Choudhary, appearing for the petitioner said, "Salman Khurshid is a member of parliament and a former law minister of the country. He is very influential. In such a situation, the people of the Hindu community will be more agitated by the things written in his book. There will be a serious impact on harmony, peace and security which will lead to unrest in the country."
The petition has been filed in the Delhi High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India to stop the circulation, sale, publication and purchase of the book in both electronic and printed form as it violates the fundamental rights under Article 19 and 21 of the Constitution of India.