New Delhi:Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain on Saturday said that Delhi government bore the entire cost incurred on the tickets of 1200 migrant labourers who were sent back to Bihar from Delhi by Shramik Special train on Friday. He also said that the matter should not be politicised.
"It is not fair to take money from them (migrant labourers), they have been staying in shelter homes for the last two months. From where will they get money to pay for tickets, so the Delhi Government paid for it. One should not do politics over it," Jain told a news agency.
This comes after, Bihar Minister Sanjay Kumar Jha said that Delhi government is asking for the reimbursement of money spend on tickets of 1200 migrants who are travelling from Delhi to Muzaffarpur, from the Bihar government.
"I saw a tweet by a Delhi minister saying they are paying for the tickets of 1200 migrants who are travelling from Delhi to Muzaffarpur. I have a letter here sent by their government asking for the reimbursement of money from the Bihar government. On one hand, you are taking credit saying you are sending them back on your money & on the other hand you are asking Bihar government to return the money," said Sanjay Kumar.
On Friday, A 'Shramik Special train carrying migrant labourers had left from Delhi for Muzaffarpur in Bihar. Delhi Labour Minister, Gopal Rai also tweeted: "Train departing from Delhi for Muzaffarpur, Bihar with labourers. @ArvindKejriwal Government will pay the fare of all 1200 people aboard the train.