New Delhi:Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh, who has been named by the Enforcement Directorate in its charge sheet in the Delhi Excise Policy case has written to the Union Finance Secretary seeking action against the ED officials for defaming him by “misusing their position”. In a five-page letter written to the Union Finance Secretary, Sanjay Singh has written that his name has been wrongly taken in the alleged liquor scam case.
Singh said that ED Director Sanjay Kumar Mishra and Assistant Director Joginder Singh who is the investigating officer have damaged his reputation by naming him in the case. Both these officers have misused their position, he said. Singh said that after his name was linked to the case, he sent a defamation notice to ED officials on Apr. 22.
Also read:ED 'names' Raghav Chadha in Delhi liquor case charge sheet; AAP leader denies