New Delhi : Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said removing the Bharatiya Janata Party from power in 2024 Lok Sabha polls will be the "greatest act of patriotism," as he accused the saffron party of failing to lead the country towards progress despite being in power for two terms. The AAP National Convener made the remarks addressing party volunteers in New Delhi, his electoral constituency.
"The people of my constituency heap praise on volunteers AAP volunteers don't come from any political background. Our party is not a party with a political background. Even senior AAP leaders don't come from a political background, including me, Manish Sisodia. We are all 'aam aadmi'," Kejriwal said. He claimed that while politicians from other parties are often seen indulging in hooliganism, those of the AAP are liked by the people because they are polite. "This is the trademark of the AAP."
Kejriwal said the BJP could have led the country on a tremendous path of progress after having come to power a second time with full majority, but that did not happen. "... today we see that the atmosphere in the country has deteriorated on all sides. ... such intense polarisation was never seen in society. So much fighting, violence, corruption, and looting were never seen before. There is no peace anywhere," he said.
Removing the BJP from power in 2024 will be the biggest act of patriotism, he added. "The country will progress only then. The decisions they have taken, no one understands why they have taken them," he said. India's economy has gone at least 10 years backward due to the demonetisation in 2016. People's jobs, businesses, and factories shut down, Kejriwal claimed.