New Delhi:The Delhi branch of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been delegated the responsibility of further investigating the MLAs poaching case. The case will be officially handed over to the Delhi branch once the technical hurdles are cleared. Even though there is a CBI unit in Hyderabad as well, Delhi officials' involvement has become a hot topic of discussion.
According to reports, an SP-level officer has already reached Hyderabad from the national capital. This comes after the High Court allowed the CBI investigation into the high-profile case of poaching of BRS MLAs. An official copy of the Telangana HC order has been collected by CBI officials and based on that a case can be registered. The case pertains to Cyberabad where the alleged transaction for the purchase of MLAs took place. But, even if it is transferred to CBI, the Hyderabad division will have to register the case. However, with CBI coming into the picture, the case is likely to draw a lot of traction.