New Delhi: Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta on Monday suspended membership of 11 rebels for six years who are contesting upcoming MCD polls against official candidates of the party. The primary membership of the 11 BJP workers contesting MCD polls against official candidates of the party has been suspended for six years, said an order issued by Delhi BJP general secretary Harsh Malhotra.
Delhi BJP acts tough, suspends 11 rebel candidates for six years
The primary membership of the 11 BJP workers contesting MCD polls against official candidates of the party has been suspended for six years, said an order issued by Delhi BJP general secretary Harsh Malhotra.
Delhi BJP suspends 11 rebel candidates for six years
The suspended BJP rebels included Gajendra Daral who was initially declared as party candidate from Mundka ward. Later, he was replaced by new candidate Arun Daral. Despite the attempts by senior leaders, Gajendra Daral did not withdraw his nomination for the polls resulting in his suspension, sources in the party said. The elections for 250 wards of Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) will be held on December 4. (PTI)