New Delhi:Delhi's Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) arrested three people including Om Singh, the brother-in-law of AAP MLA Akhilesh Pati Tripathi, and PA Shivshankar Pandey in a cash-for-ticket case. The third accused has been identified as Prince Raghuvanshi. Gopal Khari, husband of AAP worker Shobha Khari, had complained to ACB, alleging that MLA Tripathi demanded Rs 90 lakh for giving ticket to his wife of which Rs 35 lakh was given to Tripathi and Rs 20 lakh to Rajesh Gupta, another AAP MLA from Wazirpir.
This led to a hue controversy over AAP MLA Tripathi allegedly seeking a bribe of Rs 90 lakh in the Delhi Municipal Corporation (DMC) elections. As, even after paying Rs 55 lakhs, the complainant could not find her name on the list and the ticket was given to others. After this, when the complainant contacted MLA's brother in law Om Singh, she was given an assurance that she would be given a ticket next time. Gopal then complained to the ACB on Monday, after which, while taking action, the ACB arrested the said people.