New Delhi: As many as 390 beneficiaries in Delhi have applied for the Chief Minister Covid-19 Family Financial Assistance Scheme, said Social Welfare Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam on Sunday. "As of July 9, 220 beneficiaries have applied for a pension of Rs 2,500 per month, and 170 beneficiaries applied for Rs 50,000 ex gratia amount," he added. Since the scheme has been launched recently, the Social Welfare Department said that it might take time for the beneficiaries to collect all the documents.
"In the coming days, the process of application will be fast-tracked. The representatives of the department will go door-to-door in Delhi to help the beneficiaries fill the application," it added. Mentioning that the Delhi government wants to help families as soon as possible, Gautam said, "Presently, we have received 390 application forms under the scheme but we will not sit and wait for other beneficiaries to apply. Our representatives will help the public in filing the application form by going door to door. They will not find faults in their documentation and will rather help the beneficiaries in the documentation process."Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, along with Social Welfare Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam had initiated the "Chief Minister Covid-19 Family Financial Assistance Scheme" on July 6 through video conferencing.
Also read: Delhi govt launches financial assistance scheme for families of Covid victims