New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Friday said India doesn't believe in a world order where a few are considered superior to others and asserted the country's actions are guided by the essence of human equality and dignity that is part of its ancient ethos. In his address at the Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD) 2022 held here, he also said India has always seen security and prosperity as a "collective pursuit" of the entire humankind.
"It is my firm belief that if security becomes a truly collective enterprise, then we can think of creating a global order that is beneficial for all of us," Singh said. The defence minister said that now "we require to elevate the paradigm of collective security" to a level of shared interests and shared security. "India believes in a multi-aligned policy which is realised through diverse engagements through multiple stakeholders so that views and concerns of all can be discussed and addressed for prosperity for all," Singh said.