New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Wednesday asked a magisterial court to decide in accordance with law the plea by CPI(M) leader Brinda Karat seeking lodging of FIRs against BJP leaders Anurag Thakur and Parvesh Verma for their alleged hate speeches in relation to anti-CAA protest at Shaheen Bagh.
The direction by a bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan came after Karat's counsel urged the high court to dispose of her matter by asking the magisterial court to decide on her complaint.
Karat's lawyer told the bench that the magisterial court had on February 26 reserved judgement on her application after hearing arguments of all sides, but did not pronounce the order as similar issues were pending in the high court.
On the request of the CPI(M) leader, the high court asked the magisterial court to decide her application "in accordance with law, rules, regulations and government policy applicable to the case and as expeditiously as possible and practicable".
With the direction, the high court disposed of Karat's plea which had sought directions to the magisterial court to pass an order on her complaint. The petition had also sought directions to police to lodge FIRs against Thakur and Verma.
Apart from Karat's plea for lodging FIRs against the two BJP leaders, the bench was also hearing several other petitions seeking action against these two BJP leaders as well as their party colleagues Kapil Mishra and Abhay Verma for alleged hate speeches by them.