New Delhi: Amid Aam Aadmi Party "threatened" to pull out of the opposition meeting in Patna if Congress does not back the party against the Centre's Ordinance, AAP chief national spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar on Thursday citing reliable sources said that a deal has been finalised and the grand old party will support the Bharatiya Janata Party when the Bill regarding the "unconstitutional Ordinance" will be tabled in Rajya Sabha.
She claimed that Congress will stage a walkout when the Bill will be brought to the Upper House of the Parliament. "I do not know about the decision of walkout [of Kejriwal from Patna meeting]. It will be decided by our top leadership, but we have got information from reliable sources that a deal has been done between BJP and Congress that Congress will support BJP. When this unconstitutional ordinance will be brought into the Rajya Sabha, then the Congress will stage a walkout," the AAP leader told ANI.
"Anyway, I do not understand why Congress is taking so much time to take a stand on a clearly illegal Ordinance," she added. AAP sources earlier said that if the Congress party would not support the party against the Centre's ordinance in the opposition party meeting in Patna scheduled on June 23, then the party will walk out of the meeting.
Meanwhile, Kejriwal wrote an open letter to the opposition leaders ahead of the mega event and asserted that the Congress will have to clear its stand on the Ordinance in front of everyone ."There is a meeting of all the parties in Patna on June 23, I request that in this meeting, the stand of all the parties on this ordinance and the strategy to defeat it in the Parliament should be discussed first," Kejriwal wrote in his letter.