New Delhi:The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Saturday issued a notice to the Delhi police seeking a report over the kidnapping and murder of an eight-year-old girl in the Narela area of North Delhi. The notice was issued after receiving a complaint from the deceased's elder sister.
In her complaint, she alleged that the accused was someone from the neighborhood who lured the minor out of the house by offering her eatables. She further alleged that the victim was raped and murdered and her head was smashed brutally with stones. She stated that they filed a missing complaint with the police when the girl did not return home.
Following this, the police arrested the accused on Friday, and during interrogation, the accused confessed to the crime. Police said that he had a fight with the girl's brother and to take revenge, he first kidnapped her and then killed her. The dead body was found in the bushes near a red light area and was sent for postmortem.