New Delhi: Karnataka Congress chief D K Shivakumar "devised a well-planned criminal conspiracy" with four of his aides to allegedly hide unaccounted cash worth crores that was seized by the Income-tax department from premises linked to him in 2017, the ED has said in a recent charge sheet filed against him under the anti-money laundering law. The about 60-page prosecution complaint was filed by the federal agency before a special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court in Delhi on May 24.
The case dates back to August, 2017 when the I-T department carried out searches at multiple premises in Delhi as part of an alleged tax evasion probe against Shivakumar, his alleged business associate and liquor trader Sachin Narayan (45), another associate Sunil Kumar Sharma (46) who operated a fleet of luxury buses, 49-year-old Karnataka Bhawan (Delhi) employee A Hanumanthaiah and former state government employee and caretaker posted at the Karnataka Bhawan Rajendra N (76).
A total cash of more than Rs 8.59 crore (Rs 8,59,69,100) was seized by the tax department during the searches out of which over Rs 41 lakh has now been adjusted as tax liability of Shivakumar and over Rs 7.58 lakh as that of Sharma after they claimed the money as their agriculture income and business income respectively. The I-T department later filed a charge sheet before a Bengaluru court on charges of tax evasion against all the accused and the ED took cognisance of this complaint to file a money laundering case in 2018.
Shivakumar, after the I-T raids, had said in 2017 that his "instrumental role" in ensuring safe stay of Gujarat Congress MLAs in a Karnataka resort during the Rajya Sabha polls in 2017, amid allegations that the BJP was trying to poach them, was the reason for the tax department action. Describing the role of 60-year-old Shivakumar, a former cabinet minister of Karnataka, the ED said he is the "main accused involved in process/activity related to money laundering who converted his tainted money into untainted money/property etc. and devised a well-planned criminal conspiracy to hide the source of such trained cash with active participation and help of other accused".
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Shivakumar, it alleged, was "involved in influencing witnesses directly or indirectly as A Hanumanthaiah and Rajendra N in their statements given during the I-T search proceedings clearly stated that the seized cash belongs to D K Shivakumar". It said the "fact about ownership" of cash was also confirmed by them in post search proceedings before I-T authorities and it is well corroborated with the material evidences but later on after about seven months they retracted their statements and the retraction was filed by both on the same date without furnishing the substituted and credible material for such retraction."