New Delhi:In a case of sextortion, a 75-year-old resident of Vasant Kunj was defrauded of Rs 7.34 lakh by a group of cybercriminals, one of whom posed as former Delhi Police commissioner Rakesh Asthana. The cyber scammers trapped K N Joshi by using the modus operandi of obscene video chat followed by a call for extortion.
Joshi, in his complaint with the Delhi Police, has said that on January 15, he received a message saying "hello" from a woman who introduced herself as Anjali Sharma. She then asked for a video call and appeared nude, he said in his complaint, adding, "In a few minutes the call was disconnected." Two days later on January 17, she shared a morphed obscene video of Joshi and threatened that if he didn't pay Rs 61,000, she would make it viral on social media. Joshi said that he immediately blocked the number.
Then on January 25, he missed a call from an unknown number. "I called back on the number and the person told me that he is Rakesh Asthana, Police Commissioner of Delhi. He said that he got information about the video call with Anjali and asked me whether you have contacted her," Joshi told the police.
"I told him that I never met her. He said that Anjali is a drug smuggler whose actual name is Neha and shared a copy of the FIR. He said that the video is going viral on YouTube and gave me the number of Dhyaneshwar Bajirao," he said. When Joshi contacted Bajirao, he demanded Rs 21,500 and Rs 43,000 through a digital wallet to get those videos deleted and also assured him that he would get back the money.
"This made me gain some trust that they are actual police. He also shared a copy of the email stating that the video was deleted," the FIR, registered on April 25, reads. Joshi thought that his plight would be over after paying Rs 64,500 in two installments but the fraudsters kept asking for more money on one excuse or the other.