New Delhi:The CPWD will engage "professional expertise" to track progress of all the projects being executed under the Modi government's ambitious Central Vista redevelopment plan, with the agency floating a request for proposal (RFP) for project monitoring consultancy at Rs 12 crore for four years. According to the CPWD, the agency that comes under the Union housing and urban affairs ministry, a project support unit (PSU) will be set up and it will have technical manpower to monitor the progress of the Central Vista redevelopment project.
The redevelopment project of Central Vista envisages a new Parliament building, a common central secretariat to house offices of all ministries, the revamping of the three-kilometre-long Kartavya Path from Vijay Chowk to India Gate, a new prime minister's residence and office, and a new vice-president's enclave.
In its RFP document, the CPWD states the project has many components to be planned and executed in a phased manner. Project of this magnitude needs to be monitored in professional manner with latest management tools. The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) in the RFP document states that a need is felt that one project support unit is needed to be engaged which will assist the HUA ministry and the agency in monitoring of the projects and peer review of MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering) services.
"The objective of this document (RFP) is to seek professional expertise for the project of Central Vista to bring in synergies across various stakeholders towards successful completion of the project. To undertake this task, PSU will require appropriate technical personnel," it states. The CPWD's document states that the "technical personnel" will also prepare weekly/monthly progress reports capturing progress of key activities and milestones, after physical inspection of under execution works once a week.