New Delhi: In a significant development in the 2008 murder case of TV journalist Soumya Vishwanathan, a Delhi court has convicted five men, marking the end of a 15-year legal battle for justice. Additional Sessions Judge Ravindra Kumar Pandey, presiding over the case, announced the verdict on October 18, 2023, finding Ravi Kapoor, Amit Shukla, Baljeet Malik, Akshay Kumar, and Ajay Sethi guilty of the heinous crime. The court, after concluding the sentencing arguments, has reserved its order on the quantum of punishment for November 25.
The chilling incident took place on September 30, 2008, when 25-year-old Soumya Vishwanathan, a news producer with Headlines Today, was shot dead in the early hours of the morning on Nelson Mandela Marg in south Delhi. She had just left her office at 3:03 am, driving home to Vasant Kunj, when her life was abruptly cut short in what initially appeared to be a robbery gone awry.
The assailants, identified as Ravi Kapoor, Amit Shukla, Baljeet Malik, and Akshay Kumar, targeted Soumya as she drove alone. In a horrifying turn of events, they chased her car, attempted to intercept it, and ultimately fired a fatal shot with a country-made weapon, causing her immediate death. The car crashed against a divider, bringing an end to Soumya's life.
Following the murder, the perpetrators fled the scene but returned after 20 minutes to assess the situation. Upon spotting police personnel, they fled once again. A passerby later discovered Soumya's lifeless body in the car and promptly informed the police. The investigation revealed that Soumya had made a call to her father around 3:15 am, just minutes before the tragic incident.