New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday reserved its judgment on a petition challenging the appointment of IPS officer Rakesh Asthana as a Delhi Police Commissioner. A bench headed by Chief Justice DN Patel reserved the decision after hearing the arguments of all the parties on Monday.
Earlier, Delhi High Court had on 23 September deferred the hearing on the petition stating that the matter presented before the court was a "copy-paste".
During the hearing on Thursday, lawyer BS Bagga, representing the Central government and Rakesh Asthana, informed the court that both the parties have filed their replies. Bagga said that Asthana doesn't come under the provision for extension of service. Meanwhile, Chief Justice stopped Bagga saying that the matter has been copied from the senior lawyer Prashant Bhushan who is still in the queue to present his side. CJ added that the matter should be copied to five percent only. However, Bagga denied it and explained the provision of extension of service.